Monday, December 16, 2013

2014-2015 Election Results

The ARLIS/NA-NC 2014-2015 election results are in! 

Dayna Holz was unanimously elected as Vice-Chair/Chair Elect of the Northern California Chapter. Dayna is Art & Music Librarian at the Berkeley Public Library, and a second-time chapter officer. Mary Wegmann, a new member of the chapter, was unanimously elected as Secretary/Treasurer. Mary is Assistant Librarian/Interim Library Director at the Gellert Library at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California. Both Dayna and Mary bring a valuable combination of professional experience and a desire to see the chapter continue to thrive and grow under their leadership. 

Please join me in welcoming Dayna and Mary to their new officer positions. Congratulations to you both!  

Sarita Janich 
Outgoing Chair, ARLIS/NA Northern California Chapter

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