The ARLIS/NA Northern California Chapter elected our new officers for 2022!
Chair (2022): Katie Keller, Bowes Art & Architecture Library, Stanford University
Katie Keller has been an Art and Architecture Librarian at Stanford University since 2006, building collections, providing reference as well as research support and library instruction in all areas of art, art history and architecture. Previously, Katie worked at the Avery Library at Columbia University and the Art Institute of Chicago. She holds a MLIS from the University of California, Berkeley and a BA in Art from Stanford University.
Vice-Chair (2022)/Chair-Elect (2023): Cordes Tarantino, C. Laan Chun Library, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Cordes is originally from Hawaii and has lived in the Bay Area for almost 8 years. She earned her MLIS from San Jose State in December of 2020 and was a member of ARLISNAP She has a bachelor’s in studio art and Asian Studies from Skidmore College and an MA in Chinese art history from the University of Hawaii. She has been working at the Asian Art Museum since 2018 and is the solo librarian there since John Stucky retired July 2020.
Secretary/Treasurer (2022-2023): Lorna Corbetta, Bowes Art & Architecture Library, Stanford University
Lorna has an undergraduate degree in French and Italian from UC Boulder, and also lived in France and Italy for nearly a decade. She earned her MLS from SJSU and has an MLA in liberal arts from Stanford--her thesis was on artists books. Lorna served on the ARLIS/NA Executive Board in the late 1990s as the West Regional Representative. She worked for the Research Libraries Group for many years, and is currently the Head of Reserves and Student Supervisor at Bowes Art and Architecture Library at Stanford.