Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Meeting Details

Hi all,

The ARLIS/NA, Northern California Chapter's spring meeting is exactly a month away! Here is a link to the tentative agenda, which in turn includes a link to a map of the proposed locations:

We're asking that you RSVP as soon as possible for several different items:

(1) Whether you'll be attending the meeting itself, so that we know how many chairs, pastries, etc. we'll need.

(2) Whether you'll want to carpool from the Richmond BART station to the Richmond Public Library--or whether you're willing to help bring other from the BART station to the Library in your car (Both Lisa and Anna have cars and are planning on contributing to the shuttling!). We'll assume, generally, that if you need a ride or have volunteered to drive in the morning, this will also be the case after the meeting, at lunchtime, after lunch, etc.--but please let us know if not.

(3) Whether you'll be joining us for lunch at the Boilerhouse. We have a reservation for a large group, but we want to make sure that our numbers are not significantly higher or lower than estimated.

Again, feel free to contact us if you have any announcements or items you'd like to add to the agenda, or if you'd like to present a short report on your experiences at the national conference.

Thanks--looking forward to seeing you in May!

Anna Fishaut, Chair
Lisa Conrad, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect

Joint Gathering of ARLIS/NA California Chapters!

The ARLIS/NA Northern and Southern California Chapters are hosting a joint social mixer at the national conference in Boston!

When: Sunday, April 25 at 7pm
Where: M.J. O'Connor's (Westin Boston Waterfront)
435 Summer Street

M.J. O'Connor's is a 6 minute walk from the Seaport (conference hotel). If you would like to walk over as a group meet in the Seaport hotel lobby at 6:50. Attendees will be responsible for their own food & drinks.

We hope to see you there!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Meeting, May 14, Richmond Public Library

Please save the date of Friday, May 14 for the spring business meeting of the ARLIS/NA, Northern California Chapter.

We will be meeting at the Main Branch of the Richmond Public Library and then, in the afternoon, exploring some of the city's art venues. More details in just a few days!

In the meantime, a couple of requests: First, if you think you'll have an announcement and/or a brief project update to share with the group during the meeting (encouraged!), let me know as soon as you can. Second, some of us will have attended the ARLIS/NA conference in Boston; if you are one of those people and are willing to give a micro-report related to a theme or session of the conference, please do--and let me know so I can add you to the agenda.

Thanks; I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

--Anna Fishaut, Chair